Thursday, July 15, 2010

Obesity in the Midst of Poverty

McObese and Malnourished

In the US, all value-added food products are  labeled with their nutritional contents. Burgers, for example,  are labeled accordingly with the amount of fat, protein, carbohydrates contained per serving - providing American consumers with data to allow "informed" decisions when purchasing food items.

There are even websites that consumers can visit wherein products are categorized according to their type (fruits, vegetables..etc) and according to source (Krispy Kreme donuts, Burger King Whopper..etc), allowing for ease of use and convenience for the public.
Unfortunately, the foregoing is a far cry from the situation in the Philippines. Ironically, in spite of the prevalent practice among Filipinos of copying all things American, we have yet to come up with a formalized system of establishing the nutritional content of food items we purchase here.
Sure, packaged consumer goods manufactured my MNC's have nutritional facts on their labels, but this is in keeping with SOP's set forth by their mother company abroad. Local manufacturers need not bother in researching on the nutritional content of their product as there is no government directive for them to do so.
Among food-retail chains,

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